Trash Bash Council, Inc.
How can I get involved in Cash for Trash?
Cash for Trash Bash is a four hour clean-up event where we work with designated teams to clean up a specific area. The Trash Bash Council then pays a bounty of $5/bag (or bag sized item ... a tire=1 bag, a chair might be=2 bags…) up to the maximum of $200 (40 bags). There is a team leader meeting where you will get the contact information of your judge and pick up your supplies.
On the day of the event, your team will clean up your designated area (exposed shoreline on Lake Catherine or Hamilton) and deposit your collected trash in a pre-assigned area associated with your location. At around noon your judge will show up – meet with your team and hand over a check representing the amount that you have collected. There are rare times when we do not give the full $200 – so long as your team has made a good effort to clean up the area (if you are unable to collect much from the shorelines you can hit the surrounding area and streets to get more) then we will recognize that effort with a full check.
Teams are also encouraged to get pledge donations on their own to increase their fundraising potential for this event.
Contact us at 501-844-2116 if you think you have a team that might want to participate in this event.
Check back for Cash for Trash event date.